On Wed, 01 Jan 2003 18:14:10 -0700, "Carol Starr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> thank you allen for having the courage to through the bull____  out of
> the
> barn.

  The only bullSHIT in the barn is you.
  Nor is allen "courageous".
  If he were, he'd not be censoring the list.
  And certainly not (us) but others who have been involved in FLUXUS
  rather before him, if we are not mistaken.

  Shu, but we cannot imagine it is comfortable for
  those who attempt to make careers out of currently fashionable
  corpse of FLUXUS.

  Lest it's forgotten, the major figuras of FLUXUS were involved in 
  it in the 60s, 70s.

  Typical academic "feeding" after founder's death, as well
  as attempts to rewrite history, after all of the originals
  start dying out.

  It would be so comfortable if all figuras pre-1980s
  when FLUXUS happened are removed n'est pas?

  This is not courage.

  This is cheap egotistical + standard academic shark


> now lets all have a very creative and happy 2003.

  You are not capable of creativity, dear.
  Self-important drivel? Yes.

  None of the stuff on this list touches GM, Nam Jun Paik,
  Flynt, Cage, Beuys, La Monte Young, Karpow (sp?)--truly +
  genuinely intelligent, good + exceptional

  It's a shame to see academicism destroy yet another
  "corpse" after the acting figures are dead.

> xxx

  PS. We are not speaking for nor involved with Eric Andersen.
  The above is recived + transmitted via other manner.

> allen bukoff wrote:
> > Open the windows, let some stale air out, let some fresh air in.
> >
> > I swear I don't know what has gotten into me...abusing power like this.
> >
> > Maybe 2003 is a time to renew Fluxlist.
> >
> >  >>>>  Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 16:04:12 -0800
> >  >>>>  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  >>>>  Subject: Majordomo results: remove eric anderson & st auby tamas
> >
> >  >>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxx remove FLUXLIST [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Succeeded.
> >  >>>>
> >  >>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxx remove FLUXLIST [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Succeeded.
> >  >>>>

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