Dear Ann,

> Bertrand and all--  Allen had always resisted moderating the list,
And I admired him for that, specially when he resisted doing that during
Ken/Eric flame, because at that time, if I had been at his place, I would
have moderate it.

even when
> the nastiness of these particular people "threw away" some of the most
> interestng and productive people on the list. Now, perhaps your notion of
> fluxus is double-dosed with negative capability, particularly corrosive,
> cruel, and self-obsessed.
Come on, Ann!! Don't get on that, it's OK now, Mr. Death is off, we don't
need to infer and project such low and mean intentions to each other!
I can't accept this from anyone, so please, if you intend to act in the
defense of the respect, begin with you.

 If so, I would encourage a new fluxlist to form,
> this one inviting mutual insult. However, it seems to be the rough
> on this particular fluxlist that self-obsessed insulting posts that
> mechanistically respond to any utterance with a curdled version of same
> not desirable on a daily basis. So Allen is hailed for his chucking of
> types. Repetitive insult is a form of "throwing away" of the person so
> insulted, and deserves similar treatment.
Er... I'm sorry, but I don't have my dictionnary with me now, so I'm not
sure I fully understood what you meant there, so I'm not sure about who
you're pointing at (for example what means curdled?)


> AK
>  Dear Allen,
> >
> > I can't believe you've thrown away these fluxlisters!
> > and if this is the case, I can't agree with such a choice.
> > Tell me that I'm wrong in my inderstanding of this post.
> > Best
> > Bertrand
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "allen bukoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 1:15 AM
> > Subject: FLUXLIST: make that THREE and FOUR
> >
> >
> >> Open the windows, let some stale air out, let some fresh air in.
> >>
> >> I swear I don't know what has gotten into me...abusing power like this.
> >>
> >> Maybe 2003 is a time to renew Fluxlist.
> >>
> >>>>>>  Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 16:04:12 -0800
> >>>>>>  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>>>>  Subject: Majordomo results: remove eric anderson & st auby tamas
> >>
> >>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxx remove FLUXLIST [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Succeeded.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxx remove FLUXLIST [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Succeeded.
> >>>>>>
> >>
> >

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