Although I think that your first removal was justified, I don't agree with the others . . . in fact I find it quite odd that the one (?) remaining original participant in Fluxus on the fluxlist, Eric Andersen, has been removed. . . I know that
Eric can seem confrontive at times, but I have to say so what? He is truly committed to what he believes (that is a good thing), you always know where he stands, does interesting work as an artist, is really a nice guy and has lived and worked
Fluxus for forty years - all of which I know I can learn from and I am sure others as well.

Just a few thoughts. . . .

Owen, these are excuses. Can you name one worthwhile thing you have learned from Eric Anderson's posts to FLUXLIST? Can you produce one even minimally constructive post? His entire output on this list has been to 1. maintain his assertion that no one in "real Fluxus" considers Ken Friedman to be legitimate, and 2. that Fluxlist is a foolish enterprise, has nothing to do with Fluxus, and that those of us who participate are fools. Why would anyone even want to maintain membership on an email discussion list when this is their sole agenda? Eric Anderson is not a really nice guy, not on Fluxlist. Show me one "nice guy" post. Show me one post where he has ever contributed anything interesting or useful or beyond himself to this list, and I will stand corrected. I don't care if Eric was at Weisbaden in 1962 or if he has been involved in his own strain of Fluxus for 40 years. That does not excuse his behavior on this list and how he has treated others. He should be ashamed of himself. Sincerely, Allen

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