Book Two #81 - Thursday, January 09, 2003

This is what I think. It's complicated and I wasn't sure who was who.
Creating and maintaining a persona can be a very dangerous game.
What is "enough"?
A useful illusion of an "I" who sees all, knows all, and can explain all -
that emerges, essentially, from the inability to observe everything we'd
need to in order to detect phenomena in the world at large -
a tiny but critical feature of being able to observe and explain [our
trajectory] as if an outside observer?

Quality relates to how closely image matches our perception, or expectation,
of the Real.
[We mark our path] from Verrocchio, through Giotto, Primaticcio, Titian, and
so on,
as if a crown passes down through the generations.

There isn't one line, there's just a field, a field through which [a]
number of objects [of intent are] moving in different directions
[maintaining the] complexity and the fidelity of the Original

"And if all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more
seas to help it, (were ink), the words of Allah could not be exhausted. Lo!
Allah is Mighty, Wise."*

A high-quality reconstruction should appear almost identical to the original
and preserve key features in an expected order
the quality of which can be measured by the ease with which it goes in one
ear and out the other.
What is an "ordinary" occurrence?
[Is it not] how often a piece of information arrives without error?
And, what is an "out of the ordinary" occurrence?
an event that draws attention to itself. TO ITSELF

I was struck by several remarks of yours
all you accomplished was beating up on somebody who is already beaten.
[I am] screaming out from thousands of bleeding wounds and bruised [sense of
A broken string spilling a thousand beautifully shining beads of glass.
Carefully gathered by hand
before, during, and after
in a measured and rational way.
a string of references in a field of decoherence.
In a bottomless wallow. Of what I'm not sure
I would have taken you seriously without the need for power strategies
designed to reduce my state
We certainly do NOT project our egos, dictate to others, or attempt to shut
them up in order to give free reign to our murderous impulses

Maybe I should answer?
Oh, what for? (but I will of course...)

An artist is now much more a connector of things
Every day trillions of bits of data are transmitted over the Internet
promptly and without the expense of prolonged legal proceedings.

does this have anything to do with Cage? Certainly.

*[Qur'an, Chapter 31: LUQMAN (LUQMAN) 031.027 Revealed At: MAKKA]

cecil touchon

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