-Thanks for this link Kathy. Looks like a great
exhibition. Michael

 Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > My favorite
pieces, the one that reconciled me to
> the many others, 
> which I had been amused by but didn't necessarily
> "get," were the 
> tapestries, done in collaboration with weavers
> Wiener and Export. Also 
> the fecund assemblages. One of a barroom with a
> "behind the scenes" 
> backside. Another with a radio intriguingly tuned to
> a station 
> reporting local current events, weather and traffic.
> Amazing how the organic pieces were so early, or
> perhaps the repeats 
> and variations we see now are so "late." His
> influences on and by are 
> palpable.
> There's a good flash of the exhibit at 

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