Hi Crispin,
I'm liking the web pages you've been putting up.  You seem to be the
here's-a-little-web-page-I-just-put-up Master these days!

Anyway - I am interested in this project. What type of collaboration are you
thinking of? So far I've go 73 images on my cell phone...it's my current
phone, though. Does that count?  My phone is my default camera lately.  
I hope all is well with you.


-----Original Message-----
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Sent: 4/13/2006 8:01 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: sound image relationship


A small project i did last night.. mabey someone would like 
to do something like this with me.. 

 <http://www.crispinwebb.com> http://www.crispinw
<http://www.crispinwebb.com/newpage/index.html> ebb.com


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