Really nice poem Carol! Just got inspired and had to do a mashup kinda thing I call "Krib Network".



(or how I started to [xxxxxxxx])

a Blog b
ook birK
Blog book
birKBlog b
ook birKBlo
g book bir
KBlog boo
k birKBlog
book birKBl
og book bir
######   ##
KBlog boo
k birKBlog
book birK
Blog book b
irKBlog book
####  ##  #
#        ##
ook birKBl
og book birK
Blog book bir
ok birKBlog b
#####      ##
ook birKBlog
book birKBl
og book birKB
log book birK
Blog book b
irKBlog book
birKBlog bo

log book birK
Blog book b
irKBlog book
  ###     ##
birKBlog boo
k birKBlog book

birKBlog book
birKBlog bo
ok birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog book birKBlog a Book


----- Original Message ----- From: "Carol Starr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Poetry Book

a blog
a book
a book
a blog
a blog
a book
a book
a book
a book
a book
a blog
a blog
a blog
a blog
a book

bests, carol

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