hey rod, does this work? I took a found phrase from some spam mail  (repressive guidance) then I used it as a search term in google then I took one phrase from each resultant web page in the order that they were returned as results finding a phrase that I liked and that contained the spinal letter for that line. [bracketted] elements were added to bind things together when needed.

Reparation shall be made [for]
                     those who experienced our govErnment’s abuses of dissenters
                        any form of government inausPicious to liberty,
                                      engage[d] in counteRrproductive, immoral pre-emptive war
                         will make their decisions basEd on the four fundamentals.
                                                  In contra-diStinction to tyranny
                       their bizarre, oppressive tacticS with their own citizens
                                           is cause for consIderable concern
             used to castigate us as a political moVement
                                   revealing secrets concErning the security of the state.
                                                           The liGht of operational experience
                              constrained what they coUld ask
                                                entirely in an Indigenous language.
                                Their ahistorical, fear-riDden, repressive approach [attracted]
                                  outsiders and reactionAries [who] urgently [a] call for unity
                                              calling attentioN to abuses at the highest levels
                                                              poliCy reform groups all over the world declare
           never accede to state or cultural policiEs.

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