Hi Cecil,

The first word "Reparation" can't be used because it already contains your next letter "E" (rEparation). You can't have any words that already have the following meso letter.

I don't know what your original text was, so I can't do what you wanted to do, BUT I can create a mesostic based on "repressive guidance" and the text that you just gave us.
Actually, it'll be unfinished because I don't have enough of your text.

First you look for a word that has an "R" but DOESN'T have the following "E":

next (in order) you find a word that has an "E", but not followed by a "P":


then, a "P" not followed by an "R":

etc...BUT, any "wing words" (words outside the word that has the mesoletter) can't have the following letter either, so this is part of it's genius - it 'implies" the context
of the original without including all of the words.

                           to libeRty
                                  Engage in counterproductive, immoral
                                  In contra-distinction to tyranny.

I had to stop there, because even tho there are about 5 more words with the letter "V" in them, each one of them is followed by the letter "E" and therefore cannot be used.

This is an example of a 50% mesostic. The 100% mesostic limits your word choices even more.

Also, being true to it's nature, no words are normally given written changed "tenses." The found tenses are kept. It has the distinct advantage of keeping (or giving) the text "life" - an ever changing perspective that brings new ideas and doesn't necessarily adhere to the "old" ones.

Hope this helps!


On 2006 May 19, at 3:23 PM, Cecil Touchon wrote:

hey rod, does this work? I took a found phrase from some spam mail (repressive guidance) then I used it as a search term in google then I took one phrase from each resultant web page in the order that they were returned as results finding a phrase that I liked and that contained the spinal letter for that line. [bracketted] elements were added to bind things together when needed.

Reparation shall be made [for] those who experienced our govErnment’s abuses of dissenters any form of government inausPicious to liberty, engage[d] in counteRrproductive, immoral pre-emptive war will make their decisions basEd on the four fundamentals. In contra- diStinction to tyranny their bizarre, oppressive tacticS with their own citizens is cause for consIderable concern
             used to castigate us as a political moVement
revealing secrets concErning the security of the state.

The liGht of operational experience
                              constrained what they coUld ask
entirely in an Indigenous language. Their ahistorical, fear-riDden, repressive approach [attracted] outsiders and reactionAries [who] urgently [a] call for unity calling attentioN to abuses at the highest levels poliCy reform groups all over the world declare
           never accede to state or cultural policiEs.

Rotokas and Mura-Piraha have only 11 phonemes, the smallest on record.

Now playing: Roger Reynolds - A Portrait Of Vanzetti (1962–63)

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