I wanted very much to be in NYC, but unfortunately (at least for seeing the assembled group) I will be out of the country then.


Reid Wood (State of Being)
"Haven't-Garde Art"

PS buZ blurr is supposed to be doing something to make my presence known in my absence.

On Jun 14, 2006, at 1:43 PM, JJ wrote:

Yes, visit! It would be so great to see you.   Bring 2
or 3 magnolia thingies!  Bring the ears, too.

When's Germany?  Anyone on the list considering a trip
to NYC for the July 10-16 Dada MoMa week? I considered
it, but how could I leave the sweating hot joys of
Dallas in July?


--- Rod Stasick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2006 Jun 13, at 1:00 PM, JJ wrote:

Hi Rod!

Half Price Books in Mesquite...libraries pay
but they are SO dull!

How're yer ears?


Oh! practically right down the street!
I need to visit!

Ears are slooooowly getting better - I think - some
but I'm gonna see how I feel when I get back from
and talk again to an ENT guy. They don't just
suddenly appear
clear one day. I was told that it works like the
stock market -
ups and downs, but generally up over the long haul.
I just hope that they don't CRASH!

best to you,

(I've got more cones in the yard from the Magnolia
if you need me to save any - ha! - open buds too!)


Now playing: Hasidic New Wave - Bobover Wedding

"Better to write for yourself and have no public,
than to write for
the public and have no self." --Cyril Connolly

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