On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Naseer Bhatti wrote:

> I am having strange SSHD behavior. Look at the logs ..
> [...]
> Sep 10 01:15:33 redy sshd[5332]: scanned from 66.x.x.253 with
> SSH-1.0-SSH_Version_Mapper_Servers_Alive_3.1.1043.  Don't panic.

In general such log entries should not be too alarming if you are 
up-to-date and it only happens once a day or so. That is why it comes with 
this nice sign on the back of each entry.

> [...]
> is this some sort of scanning or internal sshd behavior? I am using Open SSH
> 3.4 with Protocol 2 only on Linux. I am getting this from mainly 2 IPs on
> the same network I am. Any help would be appreciated.

Most likely kiddies playing with some toys. If they become annoying you 
may contact your ISP in an attempt to educate them. (And have them spanked 
if they don't listen ;-)


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