Dear All,

Last week states parties to the UN Convention Against Corruption met in Vienna to review the progress of implementation of the convention. Following a decision that they took in Marrakesh in 2011, NGOs were not allowed to participate as observers (despite our best efforts and those of many states) however a 'briefing' was held for NGOs.

Access Info and many other members of this list were present at the briefing, and for those of you interested here are a few updates from ourselves and the UNCAC Coalition.

My post and intervention focusing on access to information and the prevention of corruption, which should soon become a bigger issue on the agenda, as should the issue of beneficial ownership.

Here is also the statement of the UNCAC Coalition as a whole on the Coalition's website.

We hope to share with you soon a list of 'asks' that we have been developing in which you can see everything that we hope to get out of this process - one of those 'asks' is for a clear commitment to reviewing whether states have put into place access to information laws as part of the measures that they should implement to prevent corruption. :-)

Let us know if you would like any further information about this, or if you are interesting in joining, or becoming more involved in the UNCAC Coalition.

All the best,


Lydia Medland

Research and Campaigns Coordinator

Access Info Europe

+34 91 365 65 58

Twitter @Lydyact

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