> Thanks David.
> This all looks positive (do our US colleagues agree?)
> I found two things particularly interesting:
> 1)    The central requesting portal, which we included in the document we 
> circulated recently for comment on this list to help countries be more 
> ambitious in their OGP commitments. It will be very interesting to see how 
> this gets assessed after the three year pilot.
> 2)    The Council for Chief FOIA Officers. We have been promoting Information 
> Officers networks in countries which have recently adopted RTI laws, as a way 
> to help them share information and build capacity. This sort of takes it one 
> step further.
> Best, Toby
> ___________________________________
> Toby Mendel
> Executive Director
> Centre for Law and Democracy
> t...@law-democracy.org
> Tel:  +1 902 431-3688
> Fax: +1 902 431-3689
> www.law-democracy.org
> On 26 Jul 2013, at 05:38, David Goldberg wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> "The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, to whom
>> was referred the bill (H.R. 1211) to amend section 552 of title
>> 5, United States Code (commonly known as the Freedom of
>> Information Act), to provide for greater public access to
>> information, and for other purposes, having considered the
>> same, report favorably thereon with amendments and recommend
>> that the bill as amended do pass.
>> http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/2013_rpt/foia_oversight.html
>> Best wishes
>> David
>> -- 
>> "Ye canna get leave tae thrive for thrang",
>> A Ramsay (ed) A collection of Scots Proverbs (1736)

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