This Ocean project looks very interesting to me.
I have not had time to look at your laundry list yet but I hope to.
I am making picoLARC on and it is meant to have many
different languages inside of it as dialects of a kind of Lisp.
picoLARC has Lispy OOP macros which can be used in each of the
different sublanguages.  I have been looking at C# and I think I have
come up with a few scraps of a Lispy dialect that looks like C# enough
so that direct translation from picoLARC c# into C# should be easy.
The main idea is to have OOP macros that work on all of the

If it was possible I would also like to make a Lispy dialect that was like C.

picoLARC C.  Which would probably be some subset of C.  Ocean C sounds sane.

I am interested in the part where you generate the machine code that
is understood by the CPU.  I would like to learn about that sort of

I am writing picoLARC in Dolphin Smalltalk.  To start.  I would like
to be able to make Smalltalk generate and link a PE executable file.
Or just some machine code in a ByteArray.  Someone suggested how you
could fill a ByteArray with machine code and have it be evaluated by
the CPU from inside of Dolphin Smalltalk.  And it could call back

So in Ocean you must have a machine code generator in there somewhere right?

Is your project just starting up?

What do I have to download and install into Windows to be a part of Ocean?

I downloaded that Cygwin and all the development tools.  It all seemed
really huge and expensively big.  And is it true that there is no
debugger?  I mean a Smalltalk level debugger?

On 9/5/08, Michael FIG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you may already know, I've been working on a project I've called
> Ocean.  The summary is that I want to create a source-level
> replacement for GNU C that provides language safety, introspection,
> user-extensible syntax/semantics, and sane concurrency support.  I
> will be using the COLA infrastructure to build the compiler, and I
> want to help produce useful modules that can be integrated in the
> basic COLA system.
> I intend to provide the majority of Ocean under the GPLv2, but I will
> be amenable to relicensing portions of it under MIT (especially
> infrastructure that might be useful to COLA in general).  I want to
> have an open development process, and will be using github to host the
> project.
> The core language would be mostly-backwards-compatible with C (and in
> the future, possibly C++ and/or Objective-C).  However, the ABI is
> rather different, so in order to use Ocean with a C library, you would
> have to recompile that library.  Some wizard pointer manipulation
> would not compile or maybe not execute under Ocean (since it is a safe
> language), but I think that would not be a problem for most
> applications, especially if they can put an "#ifdef __OCEAN__" in the
> needed places.
> Below is a laundry list of the features I would like to provide.  I
> would appreciate any feedback you have to offer.
> Thanks,
> --
> Michael FIG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> //\
>    \//
> Ocean Core Language
> *******************
> Michael FIG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2008-09-05
> These are the features of Ocean's ABI, and that work with Ocean's
> default C-like core language.  Much of the design here is inspired by
> the COLA and Erlang systems.
> * Wide oops (object-oriented pointers)
> There is no such thing as a pointer containing an arbitrary address.
> Every pointer is an oop: it points to a valid object + offset, and is
> associated with a compile-time size as in C (with the exception of the
> "void *" oop).  This is accomplished by making oops a double word with
> the high word as the base address of an object, and the low word is an
> offset to be added.  The compiler forbids the conversion of any value
> type to an oop, but allows oop-to-integer conversions for
> compatibility with C.  Oop arithmetic has the same semantics as C
> pointer arithmetic, but properly preserves the base object address
> instead of mixing it with the offset.
> * Runtime object metadata
> Every object has an oop header in the double-word immediately
> preceding the base pointer which indicates a metadata object.  The
> metaobject describes any extra oop object headers (such as are needed
> to preserve the allocated size, field layout, object vtable, locks,
> versioning, ownership, etc).  All functions also have an oop metadata
> header.
> * Object safety
> Every metaobject declares a read/write barrier, which the compiler
> forces clients to use.  An optional metaobject layer can, for example,
> validate all object access (no indexing off the beginning of an object
> or the end of an array or assigning a value type to a pointer member).
> More aggressive layers can implement object permissions, such as
> denying access based on the caller's context.  These barriers can also
> provide hooks for garbage collection.
> There are also no uninitialized variables.  Stack variables are zeroed
> before the frame is entered, just like heap allocations.
> * Discriminated unions
> A layout function must be declared for every union that contains both
> value types and oops, so that its oops can be correctly located.
> * Malloc support
> Malloc returns a zero-filled object with "unknown layout" in its oop
> header.  A call to the Ocean primitive "layout(struct MyStruct, ptr)"
> updates the object at "ptr" to have the layout corresponding to the
> named type.  The following code fragment can allow C compatibility:
>    #ifndef __OCEAN__
>    # define layout(TYPE, PTR) ((TYPE *)(PTR))
>    #endif
> The C++ "new" operator will probably be introduced as a
> non-C-compatible Ocean extension.
> * Precise GC
> Copying garbage collection is possible because every object has an
> associated layout, so pointers can be identified and updated whether
> on the stack or in malloced memory.  Oops make this possible by
> allowing the garbage collector to alter the base but not the offset of
> each pointer when relocating an object.
> * Tasklets and kernel threads (NxM threading)
> Every function receives a hidden oop argument to chain stack frames
> together and provide stack and thread-specific data.  Tasklet creation
> and manipulation functions are available.
> Tasklets can be declared as having a reserved kernel thread (i.e. no
> other tasklet runs on that thread).  The compiler inserts rescheduling
> requests into code so that CPU-bound tasklets don't block other
> tasklets.  Otherwise, rescheduling is requested at every "receive"
> (see below).  Tasklets by default run in a thread pool, with the at
> least one thread, and at most the number of physical cores allocated
> to the application by the system administrator (default all cores)
> minus the reserved threads.  I/O requests (i.e. blocking system calls)
> are performed by sending a message to a tasklet that is running in a
> special I/O thread pool, then waiting to receive a result message from
> the I/O thread.
> The generated code tracks stack usage so that tasklets can be created
> with a tiny stack object, and larger stack objects can be added as
> necessary.  Large stack objects could be reclaimed if the stack space
> becomes unused.
> * Message passing
> Every tasklet has a private mailbox.  Tasklets can send messages
> asynchronously, and wait for messages from other sources with a
> timeout in milliseconds.  The "send" construct recursively changes the
> ownership of an oop and places it in the specified tasklet's mailbox.
> The "receive" construct loops through messages in the current
> tasklet's mailbox, evaluating the body until a "break".  If there was
> no "break" and the timeout is nonzero, it waits that many milliseconds
> for more incoming messages for the body to process.  If the timeout
> expires without reaching a "break", then the message is set to NULL.
> If there was a "break", the current message is removed from the
> mailbox.  Message order is preserved by the "receive" construct.
>    /* Append MY_MSG to tasklet1's mailbox. */
>    send(tasklet1, my_msg);
>    void *msg;
>    receive (msg, 0) /* Only process messages already in our queue (0ms). */
>    {
>       /* If the message matches, exit the receive clause. */
>       if (((MyMsg *)msg)->zot == 123) break;
>    }
>    receive (msg, 1000) break; /* Receive any message within one second. */
>    receive (NULL, 1000); /* Wait one second. */
> * Software Transactional Memory
> Rather than using locks, STM allows the programmer to start a
> transaction, read and write objects without affecting other tasklets,
> then atomically commit or roll back the transaction.  Again, this is
> made possible with wide oops and read/write barriers.  Each object can
> be "owned" by a given tasklet (no other tasklet is allowed to touch it
> directly: the write barrier prevents it), and if there is no owner the
> STM metaobject layer only allows write access from within a
> transaction.
> * Metaprogramming
> Everything within an "ifdef __OCEAN_META__" is evaluated as COLA code
> at compile time.  This is how the Ocean compiler can be modified to
> extend syntax or semantics.
>    #ifdef __OCEAN_META__
>    (printf "this is COLA code!\n")
>    #endif
> End.
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