I'm not entirely sure why the idea of pattern expressions and meta-translators 
wasn't an awesome idea.

If expressing an idea cleanly in a language is possible, and expressing that 
language in another language clearly and cleanly is possible, why is it not 
possible to write a tool which will re-express that original idea in the second 
language, or any other target language for that matter?

I thought this development of a meta-translator was not only one of the FUNC 
goals, but one that had for the most part been at least completed?


On 11/10/2010, at 1:38 AM, Paul D. Fernhout wrote:

> Anyway, so I do have hope that we may be able to develop platforms that let 
> us work at a higher level of abstraction like for programming or semantic web 
> knowledge representation, but we should still accept that (de facto social) 
> standards like JavaScript and so on have a role to play in all that, and we 
> need to craft our tools and abstractions with such things in mind (even if we 
> might in some cases just use them as a VM until we have something better). 
> That has always been the power of, say, the Lisp paradigm, even as 
> Smalltalk's message passing paradigm has a lot going for it as a unifying and 
> probably more scalable abstraction. What can be frustrating is when our 
> "bosses" say "write in Fortran" instead of saying "write on top of Fortran", 
> same as if they said, "Write in assembler" instead of "Write on top of 
> assembler or JavaScript or whatever". I think work like VPRI through COLA is 
> doing to think about getting the best of both worlds there is a wonderful 
> aspiration, kind of like trying to understand the particle/wave duality 
> mystery in physics (which it turns out is potentially explainable by a 
> many-worlds hypothesis, btw). But it might help to have better tools to do 
> that -- and tools that linked somehow with the semantic web and social 
> computing and so on.

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