On 14/10/2010, at 4:50 PM, K. K. Subramaniam wrote:

> On Monday 11 Oct 2010 7:56:02 am Julian Leviston wrote:
>> I think this is better off baked in because it would encourage programmers
>> (users of the language) to write down what they intend to do before they
>> do it. Something most people do whenever they're going to do something
>> complicated anyway. It would encourage people to take care and to not code
>> things quickly, but it would also provide regression tests.
> This is why asserts were introduced. What you call a spec is nothing but the 
> sequence:
>  self assert: self inv and: self p.
>  self dosomething.
>  self assert: self inv and: self q.
> Where inv is the state invariant and p and q are pre- and post- conditions on 
> the parts of the state undergoing modifications. Researchers are interested 
> in 
> inv, p and q while most practitioners depend on doSomething. assert strikes a 
> balance between the two.
> Subbu

I'm well aware of testing frameworks. I think you may have missed what I was 
trying to say.

Sorry about that!

Executable documentation coupled with behavioural testing baked in is what I'm 
after. ie the code won't actually execute without a checksum existing first 
that indicates that the test suite has been run across this code.

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