On 2010/10/15, at 00:14 , Steve Dekorte wrote:

I have to wonder how things might be different if someone had made a tiny, free, scriptable Smalltalk for unix before Perl appeared...

There has been GNU smalltalk for a long time, AFAIR before perl, which was quite adapted to the unix environment.

It would certainly qualify as tiny since it lacked any big GUI framework, obviously it is free in all meanings of the words, and it is best in writing scripts.

My point is that it hasn't changed anything and nothing else would have.

BTW, there were rumors that Sun considered using Smalltalk in browsers instead of Java but the license fees from the vendors were too high. Anyone know if that's true?

No idea, but since they invented Java, they could have at a much lower cost written their own implementation of Smalltalk.

__Pascal Bourguignon__

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