I'm asking myself how relevant the projects I hack on are in this context.
Others probably are too. Of the stuff that didn't disappear into the
commercial void, recently it's been mostly Smalltalk for me, and FONC is not
about Smalltalk; Smalltalk is almost a footnote here, I think.

Without a doubt, the only project I've worked on thus far that even begins
to scratch the surface of this subject is Cuis. I'm not a researcher, so I'm
inclined toward systems that I can use today, which adds a bit of
interesting tension to our approach. Basically it means that I am not
currently in a position to "burn the disk packs," as I intend to make a
living with those disks.

So we're starting with what we've got and whittling our way down to the
smallest system that gives us the leverage that we already have. I was
surprised to find in some cases that I was able to add features and still
end up with less code than what I found when I got involved just by
refactoring as I went. It's been a wonderful meditation, a much more
intentional working style than what I experienced in industry.

The end goals, though, are similar. Personal computing in a much smaller
bag, etc. If folks took a look at


and said "yes, a note about this belongs on the FONC wiki" I would gladly do
the touch typing to make it happen.

I think the nascent hardware project that seems to be emerging before me may
make interesting material for the FONC wiki, but it will be some time before
that yields anything of interest beyond discussion. I'm doing library
science right now, gathering what people before me were able to learn. I
should really add a list

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 10:56 AM, BGB <cr88...@gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> On 6/16/2011 8:43 AM, Frederick Grose wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:34 AM, BGB <cr88...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 6/15/2011 8:04 PM, BGB wrote:
>>> On 6/15/2011 3:22 PM, Ian Piumarta wrote:
>>>> On Jun 15, 2011, at 14:09 , BGB wrote:
>>>>   http://vpri.org/fonc_wiki
>>>>>>  description sounds like it is specific to the FoNC / VPRI projects...
>>>> Sorry about that.  I left the original main page, figuring that people
>>>> would just start a new page and when some useful content had been
>>>> accumulated we'd rearrange things on the main page.  Misconception
>>>> corrected.
>>> yeah, cool.
>>> (was gone much of the day, recently got back).
>>> I went and created this page (partly as a test):
>>> http://vpri.org/fonc_wiki/index.php/Dynamic_typing
>>> I generally tried to keep it fairly generic.
>>> I opted with this for the moment, rather than describing my own stuff, as
>>> I am not certain the level of "project-specificness" which is appropriate.
>> ended up writing a few more articles, mostly about generic
>> programming-language stuff, but then was thinking that maybe the point of
>> this is not to do like a half-assed Wikipedia and describe a bunch of
>> general topics that probably most people here already know about
>> (type-systems, class/instance and prototype OO, vtables and method
>> dispatching, ...).
>> even if, yes, I found some of this stuff personally relevant when
>> implementing my own VM stuff. (sadly, much of my own thinking largely boils
>> down to personal experiences and trivia...).
>  Practical experience, thoughtfully recorded, often helps in learning.
> I guess the alternative would be that "we" (myself and others on this
>> list?) write about our respective projects, and then comment on them?...
>  Having  a glossary available for new learners is valuable, especially
> when terms are hyper-linked either to internal or other wiki pages such as
> those on Wikipedia.
>  http://vpri.org/fonc_wiki/index.php/Glossary
>  When we get the version upgrade, we should install
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SpecialInterwiki
> , which allows convenient interwiki linking.
> added more content, doesn't seem like anyone else is adding content
> though...
> was sort of hoping interesting stuff would pop up, and partial uncertainty
> as to how objective some of the added content is, where my perspective is
> naturally limited to my own experiences.
> did describe my language some here:
> http://vpri.org/fonc_wiki/index.php/BGBScript
> however, this just describes the language, rather than the surrounding VM
> framework in general (may go do this next).
> it also does not describe the language in any comprehensive sense.
> or such...
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