Toby Schachman wrote:
This half hour talk from Zed Shaw is making rounds,

The first half is typical complaints about broken w3 standards and
processes. The second half is his own observations on the difficulties
of teaching OOP. He then suggests that OOP is an unnatural programming
paradigm and that the problems of the web stem from the problems of
To echo Pascal Bourguignon's sentiment, "this is all just wrong."

First off, while I personally am not a big fan of OOP, seems to me that HyperCard was an existence proof that OOP is an incredibly natural programming paradigm, when it's packaged well.

Re. problems of the web stemming from problems of OOP: Other than Java servelets, where is OOP much in evidence on the web?

If anything, the web is a big implementation of the Actor paradigm. Web servers, by and large, listen for messages, and respond to incoming messages by spawning a process that generates a response, then terminates. Doesn't seem very object oriented to me - particularly when code takes the form of perl, or PHP.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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