I really like you observation about debugging.  The error you see was bad 
copying from another workspace. Totally botched. My email proof reading skill 
are totally lacking as well.   In general I will get everything I try to do 
initially wrong and if I don't get something "very wrong" every 30 minutes then 
I am not doing anything.

-David Leibs

On Jun 17, 2012, at 9:49 AM, GrrrWaaa wrote:

> On Jun 15, 2012, at 12:17 PM, David Leibs wrote:
>> As children we spend a lot of time practicing adding up numbers. Humans are 
>> very bad at this if you measure making a silly error as bad. Take for 
>> example:
>>   365
>> +  366
>> ------
>> this requires you to add 5 & 6, write down 1 and carry 1 to the next column
>> then add 6, 6, and that carried 1 and write down 2 and carry a 1 to the next 
>> column
>> finally add 3, 3 and the carried 1 and write down 7
>> this gives you 721, oops, the wrong answer.  In step 2 I made a totally 
>> dyslexic mistake and should have written down a 3.
>> Ken proposed learning to see things a bit differently and remember the  
>> digits are a vector times another vector of powers.
>> Ken would have you see this as a two step problem with the digits spread out.
>>   3   6   5
>> +  3   6   6
>> ------------
>> Then you just add the digits. Don't think about the carries.
>>   3   6   5
>> +  3   6   6
>> ------------
>>   6  12  11
>> Now we normalize the by dealing with the carry part moving from right to 
>> left in fine APL style. You can almost see the implied loop using residue 
>> and n-residue.
>> 6  12 11
>> 6  13  0
>> 7   3  0
>> Ken believed that this two stage technique was much easier for people to get 
>> right.  
> I'm not sure the argument holds: the answer should be 731. :-)
> But, to be fair, spreading out the calculation like this makes it easier to 
> debug and find the place where it went awry. Ha - I never thought of that 
> before - writing out proofs in math problems is as much debugging as it is 
> verifying! Maybe programming interfaces could help us debug by more readily 
> showing the 'reasoning' behind a particular value or state, the particular 
> data/control-flows that led to it. Like picking up the program-mesh by 
> holding the result value we are interested in, and seeing the connected 
> inputs draping away to the floor.
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