On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 6:36 AM, Pascal J. Bourguignon <
p...@informatimago.com> wrote:

> John Zabroski <johnzabro...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Folks,
> >
> > Arguing technical details here misses the point. For example, a
> > different conversation can be started by asking Why does my web
> > hosting provider say I need an FTP client? Already technology is way
> > too much in my face and I hate seeing programmers blame their tools
> > rather than their misunderstanding of people.
> >
> > Start by asking yourself how would you build these needs from scratch
> > to bootstrap something like the Internet.
> >
> > What would a web browser look like if the user didnt need a seperate
> > program to put data somewhere on their web server and could just use
> > one uniform mexhanism? Note I am not getting into "nice to have"
> > features like resumption of paused uploads due to weak or episodic
> > connectivity, because that too is basically a technical problem -- and
> > it is not regarded as academically difficult either. I am simply
> > taking one example of how users are forced to work today and asking
> > why not something less technical. All I want to do is upload a file
> > and yet I have all these knobs to tune and things to "install" and
> > none of it takes my work context into consideration.
> There are different problems.
> About the tools and mechanisms, and their multiplicity, it's normal to
> have a full toolbox.  Even with evolving technologies some tools are
> used less often, each has its specific use and they're all useful.
> Also, the point of discrete tools is that they're modular and can be
> combined to great effect by a competent professionnal.  You wouldn't
> want to dig all the holes with the same tool, be it either a spoon or a
> caterpillar.
> Now for the other problem, the "users", one cause of that problem is the
> accessibility and openess of computer and software technology, which
> doesn't put clear boundaries between the "professionnals" and the
> "customers".  There're all shades of grays, amateurs, students and D.I.Y
> in between.
> But you're perfectly entitled to have expectations of good service and
> ease of use.  You only need to realize that this will come with a cost,
> and it won't be cheap.
> Basically, your choice is between:
> - here, we have a toolbox, we will gladly lend it to you so you can have
>  fun hacking your own stuff.
> - tell us what you want, we'll work hard to provide you the easy
>  service, and we'll send you the bill.
> (ok, there are intermediary choices, but you can basically classify each
> offer between a do-it-yourself solution and a everything-s-done-for-you
> one).
> However the difficulties of the later option is that things evolve so
> fast that we may not have the time to develop affordable fine tuned
> customer oriented solutions before they become obsolete.  Developing and
> refining such services takes time, and money.
> And in general, programmers are not paid well enough.
> Just compare the hourly wages of a plumber and a computer programmer,
> and you'll understand why you don't get the same easy service from
> programmers than what you get from plumbers.   But this is a problem
> easily solved: just put the money on the table, and you'll find
> competent programmers to implement your easy solution.
> But it seems customers prefer crappy service as long as it's cheap (or
> "free").

Sorry, you did not answer my question, but instead presented excuses for
why programmers misunderstand people.  (Can I paraphrase your thoughts as,
"Because people are not programmers!")
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