AI is not necessary for self-organizing systems. You could use a lot of
independent, small constraint solvers to achieve equivalent effect. But
machine learning could make finding solutions very efficient and more
stable. I've been considering such techniques to help replace use of
stateful programming, since avoiding state where possible will result in
simpler systems. I discuss this here:

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:37 AM, karl ramberg <> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Loup Vaillant <> wrote:
> > Miles Fidelman a écrit :
> >
> >> Loup Vaillant wrote:
> >>>
> >>> De : Paul Homer <>
> >>>
> >>>> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
> >>>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together
> into
> >>>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
> >>>> […]
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this. Meaning,
> >>> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
> >>> sketch a trivial example?
> >>>
> >> You're thinking too small!  The Internet (networks + computers +
> >> software + users), RESTful services, mashups, email discussion threads,
> >> .... - great examples of emergent behavior.
> >
> >
> > "Emergent"?  Beware, this words often reads "Phlogiston". (It's often
> > used to "explain" phenomenons we just don't understand yet.)
> >
> > The examples you provided are based on static standards (IP, HTTP, SMTP
> > —I don't know about mashups).  One characteristic of these standards
> > is, they are _dumb_.  Which is the point, as intelligence is supposed
> > to lie at the edge of the network (basic Internet principle that is at
> > risk these times).
> >
> > Your idea seemed quite different.  I had the impression of something
> > _smart_, able to lift a significant part of the programming effort.  I
> > visualised some sort of self-assembling 'glue', whose purpose would be
> > to assemble various code snippets to do our bidding.
> >
> > Note that we have already examples of such things.  Compilers, garbage
> > collectors, inferential engines… even game scripting engines. But those
> > are highly specialized. You seem to have in mind something more general.
> > But what, short of a full blown AI?
> >
> > I see small because I see squat.  What kind of code fragments could be
> > involved? How the whole system may be specified? You do need to program
> > the system into doing what you want, eventually.
> >
> > Loup.
> >
> >
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> > fonc mailing list
> >
> >
> Some kind of AI would be necessary to achieve a self organizing
> growing and learning system.
> And the system would need to be general enough to be used for a wide
> variety of applications.
> Geoffrey Hinton have shown some interesting results for image recognition:
> Karl
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