I'm in a slightly different head-space with this idea. 

A URL for instance, is essentially an encoded set of instructions for 
navigating to somewhere and then if it is a GET, grabbing the associated data, 
lets say an image. If my theoretical user where to create a screen (or perhaps 
we could call it a visual context), they'd just drag-and-drop an image-type 
into the position they desired. They'd have to have some way of tying that to 
'which image', but for simplicity lets just say that they already created 
something that allows them to search, and then list all of the images from a 
known database context, so that the 'which image' is cascaded down from their 
earlier work. Once they 'made the screen live' and searched and selected, the 
underlying code would essentially get a request for a data flow that specified 
the context (location), some 'type' information (an image) and a 
context-specific instance id (as passed in from the search and list). The 
kernel would then arrange for that data to be moved from
 where-ever it is (local or remote, but lets go with remote) and converted (if 
its base format was something the user's screen couldn't handle, say a custom 
bitmap). So along the way there might be a translation from one image format to 
another, and perhaps a 'compress and decompress' if the source is remote. 

That whole flow wouldn't be constructed by a programmer, just the translations, 
say bitmap->png, bits->compressed and compressed->bits. The kernel would work 
backwards, knowing that it needed an image in png format, and knowing that 
there exists base data stored in another context as a bitmap, and knowing that 
for large data it is generally cheaper to compress/decompress if the network is 
involved. The kernel would essentially know the absolute minimum about the 
flow, and thus could algorithmically decide on the optimal amount of work.

For most basic systems, for most data, once the user navigated into something 
it's just a matter of shifting the data. I've done an end-run around any of the 
processing issues, by jumping dumping them into the kernel. From your list, 
scatter-gather, queries and views, etc. are all left up the the translations. 
Incremental is just having the model in the context handles updates. ACID is a 
property of the context.

I haven't given any real thought to issues like pulls or bi-directional but I 
think that the screen would just send a flow back to the original context in an 
observer style pattern associated with the raw pre-translated data. If any of 
that changed in the context, the screen would redo any 'dirty' flows, but that 
might not be a workable approach for millions of users watching the same data.

The crux of this (crazy) idea is really that the full intelligence necessary 
for moving the data about and playing with it is highly fragmented. Programmers 
don't have to write massive intelligent sets of instructions, they just have to 
know how data goes from one format to another. They can do their thing in small 
bits and pieces and be as organized or inconsistent as they like. The system 
comes together from the intelligence embedded in the kernel, but the kernel 
isn't concerned with what are essentially domain or data issues. It's all just 
bits that are on their way from one place to another, and translations that are 
required along the way. Most of the code-specific issues like security melt 
away (you have access to a context or you don't) mostly because the linkage 
between the user and data is under control of just one single (distributed) 


> From: David Barbour <dmbarb...@gmail.com>
>To: Paul Homer <paul_ho...@yahoo.ca>; Fundamentals of New Computing 
>Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 5:27:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>Your idea of "first specifying the model... then adding translations" can be 
>made simpler and more uniform, btw, if you treat acquiring initial data (the 
>model) as a "translation" between, say, a URL or query and the result. 
>If you're interested in modeling computation as continuous synchronization of 
>bidirectional views between data models, you would probably be interested in 
>RDP (https://github.com/dmbarbour/Sirea/blob/master/README.md). 
>Though, reuse of data models is necessarily more sophisticated than you are 
>imagining. There are many subtle and challenging issues in any conversion 
>between data models.  I discuss a few such issues here: 
>On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Paul Homer <paul_ho...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
>A bit long, but ...
>>The way most people think about programming is that they are writing 'code'. 
>>As a lessor side-effect, that code is slinging 
around data. It grabs it from the user, throws it into memory and then 
if it is interesting data, it writes it to disk so that it can be looked at or 
edited later. The code is the primary thing they are creating, 
while the data is just a side-effect of using that code.
>>Way back I got introduced to seeing it the other way around. Data is 
everything. It's what the user types in, which is moved into some 
data-structures in memory and then is eventually restructured for 
persistence to be stored for later usage. Data sometimes contains 
'static linkages', that is one datam points to another explicitly. 
Sometimes the linkages are dynamic. A piece of code has to be run to 
make the connection between the data. In this perspective, code is 
nothing more than dynamic linkages or transformations between 
data-structures/formats (one could see the average of a bunch of floats 
for example as a transformation to a more simplified summation of the 
original data). The system is really just a massive flow of data, while 
the code is just what helps it get from place to place.
>>In the second perspective, an inventory system allows the data to flow 
from the users to the persistence medium. Sometimes the users need the 
data to flow back to them again, possibly summarized, or just for 
re-editing. The core of the system holds very simple data, basically a 
series of physical items, each with many associated properties and 
probably a bunch of cross-relationships. The underlying types, properties and 
relationships form a model of the data. For our modern systems that model might 
be implemented as a relational schema, but it could also be more exotic like 
>>In this sort of system, if the model where stored explicitly in the 
persistence and it is simple enough that the users could do data entry 
directly on a flat representation of it on the screen, then the whole 
system would be as simple as flinging the data back and forth between 
the disks and the screen. However as we all know, systems are never this 
trivial in the real world. 
>>Users need to navigate to specific data, and they often want the computer to 
fill in any 'global context information' for them as they move around. 
As well, they generally enter data in a simplified format, store the 
data in another, and then want a third way to view it. All of this 
amounts to a series of transformations happening to the data as it flows back 
and forth. Some transformations are simple, such as displaying a 
floating point number as a string truncated to some level of precision. 
Some are very complex, such as displaying a report that cross-checks the 
inventory to determine data or real-life problems. But all of the things on 
the screen are either directly data, or algorithmic transformations of 
the existing data.
>>As for programming, this type of system could be build by first specifying 
>>the model. To add to this would be a series of transformations, each 
basically a black box that specifies a set of input and a set of output. With 
the model and the transformations, someone could lay out a series 
of screens for the users (or power users could do it themselves). The 
underlying kernel of the system would then take requests for the screens and 
use that to work out the flow from or to the database. One could 
generalize this a bit further by ignoring any difference between the 
screen and the disks, and just thinking of them as a generalized 'context' of 
>>What I like about this idea is that once someone creates a model, it can be 
re-used as is, elsewhere. Gradually industries will build up common models 
(with less being secret). And as they add billions of little 
transformations, these too can be shared. The kernel (if it it possible 
to actually write one :-) only needs to exist once. Then all that 
remains is for people to toss screens together as they need them (this 
part of programming is likely to never be static). As for performance, once a 
flow has been established, it would be possible to store and reuse any 
static data or transformation sequences, and that auto-optimization 
would only exist in the kernel so it could focus precisely on what 
provides the best results.
>>In a grand sense, you can see everything on the screen -- even little rounded 
>>corners, images and gadgets -- as just data that has flowed there from the 
>>disk somewhere (or network :-). The transformations behind something like a 
>>windowing system can appear daunting, but we know that they all started life 
>>as data somewhere that moved and bounced through a huge number of different 
>>data-structures, until finally ending up as a set of bits toggled in a screen 
>>The on-going work to enhance the system would consistent of modeling data, 
>>and creating transformations. In comparison to modern software development, 
>>these would be very little pieces, and if they were shared are intrinsically 
>>reusable (and recombination).
>>So I'd basically go backwards :-) No higher abstractions and bigger pieces, 
>>but rather a sea of very little ones. It would be fun to try :-)
>>> From: Loup Vaillant <l...@loup-vaillant.fr>
>>>To: Paul Homer <paul_ho...@yahoo.ca>; Fundamentals of New Computing 
>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 11:10:41 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>>>De : Paul Homer <paul_ho...@yahoo.ca>
>>>> If instead, programmers just built little
 pieces, and it was the
>>>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
>>>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
>>>> […]
>>>Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
>>>I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
>>>sketch a trivial example?
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