On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 1:06 AM, Pascal J. Bourguignon
<p...@informatimago.com> wrote:
> And who has the resources to do this work: it seems to me to be a big
> endeavour.  Collecting the research "prototype" developed during the
> last 50 years, and develop a such a product.

I'm not sure it has to be that big of an effort. Most of the work is
already being performed. From my previous examples we have projects
like twitter bootstrap and htm5 boilerplate being created for the
infrastructure, and surrounding that people are creating templates for
various frameworks. In the middle we have organizations like google to
keep it all accessible to the people gluing it together. Provided even
a remote possibility of being indexed and somewhat intelligently
filtered I'm sure google will solve the search part. So what's needed
could be just the right type of glue for automating scaffolding and
bootstrap tasks in a more general sense and some software to take
advantage of it. Given that this software makes some step easier for
people it could be enough to direct efforts toward formalizing the
required meta data.
And then you iterate :)

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