On 2 October 2012 16:21, John Pratt <jpra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Basically, Alan Kay is too polite to say what
> we all know to be the case, which is that things
> are far inferior to where they could have been
> if people had listened to what he was saying in the 1970's.

He's also not very good at dissemination, or doesn't work at it
enough. It's all very well saying "I told you so" when, at least in
the internet age, he's done the equivalent of writing "I told you so"
on a disposable napkin which he then locked in the bottom drawer of a
filing cabinet in a basement room of a condemned building on a locked
site with a sign outside saying "BEWARE OF THE LEOPARD", when he
could've easily put it on an enormous poster on a main street.

I've said enough about that on this list in the past, but I am excited
that it's nearly the end of October and hence we should get the final
VPRI report and (according to past assertions from the crew) a code
drop shortly.

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