On 4/6/2013 10:59 AM, John Carlson wrote:

When I was studying Revelation in the 1980s. We thought this same scripture referred to the European Union. We also thought that Jesus had to return by 1988, because that was one generation past when the Jews returned to Israel in 1948. It seems that god has a way of overturning predictions.

read something recently that asserted that the prediction still held, only that the generation was 80 years rather than 40, thus putting the end-event somewhere around 2028 (with the rebuilding of the temple and tribulation and so on happening before this).

it still remains to be seen how things will turn out.

Some answered questions: http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/ab/SAQ/

On Apr 6, 2013 5:32 AM, "Kirk Fraser" <overcomer....@gmail.com <mailto:overcomer....@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Most likely your personal skills at natural language are insufficient to understand Revelation in the Bible, like mine were until I spent lots of time learning. Now I can predict the current Pope Francis will eventually help create the 7 nation Islamic Caliphate with 3 extra-national military powers like Hamas in Rev. 13, 17:3. You must understand natural language well if you want to program it well. Many grad students hack out an NLP project that works at an uninspiring level. To go beyond the state of the art, you must learn to understand beyond state of the art.
> Claims that the world has progressed beyond some past century are true for technology but not in human behavior. People still have wars large and small. Some of the worst human behavior can be seen in courts during wars between family members, and some of that behavior comes from lawyers. Human behavior can only be improved by everyone pursuing the absolute perfection of God and his human form Jesus Christ, the Creator. We must go beyond the state of the art churches, to learn from the true church which Jesus practiced with His students, before He left and they quit doing much of what He did and taught.
> Because his first graduates ignored His teaching of equal status under Him instead pursuing positions over others and their money, today we have inherited that culture instead of Jesus' life where it is possible to be fed directly by God's miracles without need of money. So I propose a return from today's "advanced culture" to Jesus' absolute perfection. www.freetom.info.truechurch
> In view of the human spiritual awakening possible that way, computers are only a temporary support until we get there. Watch videos archived at www.sidroth.org <http://www.sidroth.org> some of which are lame but others are impressive showing what is happening now giving the idea the perfect culture of Jesus' church is possible.
> Love Absolute Truth,
> Kirk W. Fraser
> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Steve Taylor <s...@ozemail.com.au <mailto:s...@ozemail.com.au>> wrote:
>> Charlie Derr wrote:
>>> Nevertheless I'm finding some of this conversation truly fascinating (though I'm having a little trouble figuring out
>>> what is "truth" and what isn't).
>> I'm just waiting for Kirk to mention Atlantis or the Rosicrucians. It feels like it could be any moment...
>>             Steve
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> Kirk W. Fraser
> http://freetom.info/TrueChurch - Replace the fraud churches with the true church. > http://congressionalbiblestudy.org - Fix America by first fixing its Christian foundation.
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