John, you're right. I have seen raw binary used as DNA and I left that out.
This could be my own prejudice, but it seems like a messy way to do things.
I suppose I want to limit what the animal can do by constraining it to some
set of "safe" primitives. Maybe that's a silly thing to worry about,
though. If we're going to grow software, I suppose maybe I should expect
the process to be as messy as life is:)

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 4:06 PM, John Carlson <> wrote:

> I meant to say you could perform and record operations while the program
> was running.
> I think people have missed machine language as "syntaxless."
> On Sep 4, 2013 4:17 PM, "John Carlson" <> wrote:
>> On Sep 3, 2013 8:25 PM, "Casey Ransberger" <>
>> wrote:
>> > It yields a kind of "syntaxlessness" that's interesting.
>> Our TWB/TE language was mostly syntaxless.  Instead, you performed
>> operations on desktop objects that were recorded (like AppleScript, but
>> with an iconic language).  You could even record while the program was
>> running.  We had a tiny bit of syntax in our predicates, stuff like range
>> and set notation.
>> Can anyone describe Minecraft's syntax and semantics?
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