On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 12:24 AM, David Barbour <dmbarb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One PL concept you didn't mention is promises/futures. How might those be 
> realized in a UI?

There's precedent: ToonTalk represents promises and resolvers in its
UI as nests and birds. (Some reasons this may miss the mark: It's been
many years since I played with ToonTalk; IIRC the system supports
declarative concurrency and nothing more powerful; I don't understand
you about negative and fractional types, though it sounds interesting:
http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~sabry/papers/rational.pdf )


> In the type system of a PL, promises can be modeled as a pair:
>       makePromise ::  1 -> (resolver * future)
> Or we can potentially model promises using fractional or negative types, as 
> developed by Amr Sabry, which has an advantage of addressing sums in a 
> symmetric manner:
>       receive ::  1 ->  (1/a * a)
>       return :: (1/a * a) -> 1
>       receive+ :: 0 -> (-a + a)
>       return+ :: (-a + a) -> 0
> But what would this look like in a UI model? My intuition is leaving some 
> sort of IOU where a value is needed then going to some other location to 
> provide it (perhaps after a copy and a few transforms). I suspect this 
> behavior might be convenient for a user, but it potentially leaves parts of 
> the UI or system in an indefinite limbo state while a promise is unfulfilled. 
> Though, perhaps that could be addressed by requiring the promises to be 
> fulfilled before operations will 'commit' (i.e. enforcing type-safe UI 
> transactions).
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