Around 13 o'clock on Dec 14, Sasha Vasko wrote:

> > But every glyph would have to be sent over the wire as a pixmap

> Well, perhaps glyph compression might help.

The whole point is to use the existing core protocol; the Render extension
is efficient enough for normal usage as it sends the glyphs only once.
Connections requiring compression for this operation should probably be run
through ssh in any case; a general stream compressor does remarkably well
on glyphs while not adding any complexity to the protocol at all.

I've sent glyphs either as strike-format images (many glyphs in one
bitmap), or as long lists of rectangles.  The latter works better for very
large glyphs as the wire size grows linearly with glyph size instead of
quadratically.  This also has the advantage of semantic simplicity -- the 
core FillRectangles request matches the desired rendering operation 
precisely, while the bitmap format requires rasterop fumbling or messing 
around with stipples.

I'm also planning on doing anti-aliasing for TrueColor visuals; that will 
require a round trip per string to fetch the destination drawable 
contents, render the string and retransmit the updated image.  I believe I 
can do this asynchronously with existing Xlib mechanisms to eliminate the 
latency problem from conventional implementations; I've done similar 
things with GetProperty when designing a remote file system on top of the 
X protocol.

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        Compaq Cambridge Research Lab

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