Around 6 o'clock on Dec 19, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

> While I understand the commercial need to keep quiet, I trust that
> enough noises have been made in the right directions to ensure that
> skilled people like Keith Packard haven't been wasting their time.

I learned of this interesting effort immediately before the announcement.
I'm actually glad I wasn't asked to sign an NDA to receive earlier access
to the information, as I would have been reluctant to do so.  I prefer to
work in the open without constraint on what I may publish, especially when
developing standards that affect interoperability among new and existing

Much of this new code will be of interest to anyone doing text layout.  I'm
confident that Sun's engineering has generated a useful abstraction for
Unicode text layout using information available in modern font formats.  As
I'm not convinced that such interfaces are ready for standardization,
another implementation should only serve to enhance all of our
understandings on how such a system can work.  This is a great contribution
to the corpus.

Parts relating to interoperation with existing software are more
problematic.  As many of you are aware, I've been attempting to generate
concensus around font configuration and customization, and I'm a bit
concerned that this will introduce yet another mechanism to incorporate
into our thinking.

I'm hoping to work with the ST developers to avoid this and ensure that we
can converge on some eventual common mechanism.  As the code (and
documentation) will eventually be published with a BSD license, I would
expect any such discussions could occur on public mailing lists with
participation from the entire community.  I will strive to ensure that any 
such process result in the best technical solution, not only for XFree86, 
but also for other interested parties.

I wait, along with the rest of the XFree86 community, for the publication
of the documentation and software so that we can all take a good look at
what I believe will be a valuable contribution to the open source software

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        Compaq Cambridge Research Lab

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