Around 23 o'clock on Dec 20, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

> Fair enough. I didn't like the idea of you working away for months,
> only for Sun to come along with something which make it obsolete.

I beleve we're working in slightly different spaces; from what I
understand, ST is a rasterization framework and text layout engine.  The
rasterization portions overlap with Xft to some extent, but the text layout
is something I'm not ready to codify as a standard part of XFree86 yet.  
I'm glad to see many different groups working in this space; with any 
luck, we'll all have a good idea of what a standard text layout system 
should look like some time soon.

The other important area I'm interested in is font configuration and
customization. This is largely a political issue, not a technical one and
ST doesn't really address it directly, other than to suggest that all
existing projects migrate to their API.  As their API encompasses
significantly more than just font configuration, I don't think we'll see
major projects willing to move any time soon.

A significant feature of the Render extension is that it can accomodate
many different font access mechanisms.  ST can be just another source of
glyph images as far as the X server is concerned.  I hope it will also 
become a cooperative partner in simplifying and standardizing the use of 
fonts within the open source environment.

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        Compaq Cambridge Research Lab

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