Around 14 o'clock on Jun 20, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:

> I beg to differ.  PCF encodes undefined ranges as linear vectors of
> (CARD32)0, and uncompressed PCF Unicode fonts are *huge*.

Check.  This then also suggests that we leave the national encoding as the 
"normal" encoding and use a compressed representation for other encodings, 
we could have our cake and eat it too.

> KP> a)        Add transcoding support to Xft/fontconfig/FreeType.  Probably
> KP>   the best place is inside fontconfig which already has transcoding
> KP>   support for apple-roman and adobe-symbol encodings found in 
> KP>   TrueType fonts.
> Recent versions of fontenc (since 4.2.0) support transcoding in both
> directions.  Here's the recipe.

I would prefer not to embed fontenc inside fontconfig; the two libraries 
have very different configuration models.  Fontconfig dynamically 
discovers fonts and permits run-time updates to the configuration while 
fontenc uses the old static configuration model from the core system, 
fixing fontenc would be a bunch of work.

> I definitely prefer storing all fonts in Unicode.

As do I, except for the size of the mapping table needed to use PCF format 

> KP> I believe placing multiple encoding vectors in the file would be
> KP> more efficient when loading fonts;
> Are you speaking of execution time?  Where do you expect it to go?

Locating and loading a transcoding table, but I guess that's not a 
significant problem.

> An issue which you're not considering is that the PCF font file format
> is really not a particularly nice thing.  Have you considered
> implementing support for a bitmap font format that is (1) standardised
> and (2) supports multibit glyphs?

I agree, and if there were an existing format that could hold all of the 
information from PCF fonts, it might be reasonable to switch to it.  I 
guess I'd rather make a modest extension to PCF instead of a large 
investement in a new bitmap format.  One possible solution is to use BDF, 
there hacks in FreeType that support deep glyphs, and it's encoding vector 
is not a simple linear array.  It isn't very easy to seek around in it 

> I would suggest sbits with an sfnt wrapper, i.e. OpenType files with
> no outlines, embedded bitmaps only.  Other suggestions are welcome.

Can I get that to hold all of the X properties from a PCF file?  Could we 
use FreeType to load them?  Hmm.  This sounds easier than I'd feared -- 
we'd just use FreeType for all font loading inside the core server.

We would need a PCF->TTF conversion program. (and BDF->TTF as well, but 
that's the same thing).


Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        HP Cambridge Research Lab

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