KP> fontenc uses the old static configuration model from the core system, 
KP> fixing fontenc would be a bunch of work.

Er...  That's libfont, not fontenc.  The only configuration that
fontenc requires is the presence of the global font encodings
directory (lib/X11/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir).

(Can be overridden with en environment variable; if not present, only
a handful of eight-bit encodings and iso10646-1 are supported.)

KP> I believe placing multiple encoding vectors in the file would be
KP> more efficient when loading fonts;

>> Are you speaking of execution time?  Where do you expect it to go?

KP> Locating and loading a transcoding table, but I guess that's not a 
KP> significant problem.

Tt's literally a fraction of a second; and they subsequently remain
cached.  The memory usage might be a problem, though -- encodings are
never freed once they've been loaded.

>> I would suggest sbits with an sfnt wrapper, i.e. OpenType files with
>> no outlines, embedded bitmaps only.  Other suggestions are welcome.

KP> Can I get that to hold all of the X properties from a PCF file?

Not directly, no, but there's nothing that prevents us from abusing
the OTF spec and adding a private ``XF86'' table.  (Table names are
restricted to 4 bytes, and tables starting with a capital are

KP> Could we use FreeType to load them?

Probably so.

KP> We would need a PCF->TTF conversion program. (and BDF->TTF as well, but 
KP> that's the same thing).

If you want to experiment, I believe that pfaedit can generate such
beasts.  If you decide that's the way to go, I'll be glad to cook a
standalone and GPL-free bdftootf utility and implement support in the
core fonts system.

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