I must be really confused. I thought that the header was defined once and
only once in the page-sequence as static-content and the
page-sequence-master children allowed for the use of different page layouts
for different pages, but not content of the page.

Anyway, if you could lead me to an example I would be very happy.



-----Original Message-----
From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2001 10:15
Subject: RE: Headers and pagination

At 09:44 AM 8/1/01 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Are you expecting me to test FOP 0.19 or the latest CVS version? If it's
>former then it doesn't do what I tested it for, which is page numbering
>continuing on from previous page-sequence while specifying
>initial-page-count="auto" for all page-sequences. I tested is by modifying
>Trevor's example (see attached).
[ SNIP ]

Latest CVS.

>For my application I'm attempting to convert XML using XSLT to PDF, and in
>this case the size of the data in the flow of every page-sequence is
>undefined. Continuing the page count from page-sequence to page-sequence
>appears to be okay as far as the XSL:FO spec, but I want to change the
>header during a page sequence. Let me see if I can make it clearer:
> Page 1     Page 2     Page 3     Page n
>---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
>| Hdr 1 |  | Hdr 2 |  | Hdr 2 |  | Hdr 2 |
>| ----- |  | ----- |  | ----- |  | ----- |
>| Flow1 |  | Flow1 |  | Flow2 |  | Flow3 |
>|       |  |       |  |       |  |       |
>---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
>Remember all the flows are undefined so Flow 1 could be 1..n pages etc..

If you want to change the header during a page-sequence then you need to use

page-sequence-master, and some combo of single-page-master-reference, 
repeatable-page-master-reference and repeatable-page-master-alternatives. I 
don't immediately see any stumbling block to what you want to do.


Fairly Senior Software Type
e-plicity (http://www.e-plicity.com)
Wireless * B2B * J2EE * XML --- Halifax, Nova Scotia

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