On Wednesday 01 August 2001 01:08, Darren Munt wrote:
> > But you're right - nobody should be using the processor in production.
> > Not yet. When we think it's ready we'll say so.
> I know we do so at our risk, but we have been using v0.18 FOP in a
> production situation (albeit a low-load, non-critical one) for a week now.
> Apart from a minor performance problem (discussed previously), and a couple
> of quirks that we had to work around in the xml:fo, it suits our needs very
> nicely in that:
> 1. The output renders nicely
> 2. The file size is smaller than we achieved using a commercial product
> (not one mentioned anywhere here)
> 3. The users are very happy with the output
> 4. It didn't cost us the equivalent of 2 months salary to buy a license
> I have FOP running in a Windows 2000, IIS, Visual Basic environment using
> MSXML to do the XSLT processing. I'm certainly looking forward to future
> versions, but we are extremely pleased with the results to date.

To be honest I (and I would assume the other developers) are pleased that 
there are early adopters. We are not so much trying to discourage production 
use as we are trying to discourage _uninformed_ production use. In order to 
do that, though, what is necessary are frequent and blunt warnings. :-)

The points you mention are pretty persuasive, too. As you say, if you know 
what FOP doesn't do, or doesn't do quite right, then there are workarounds.

Arved Sandstrom

Fairly Senior Software Type
e-plicity (http://www.e-plicity.com)
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Wireless * B2B * J2EE * XML

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