On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 10:25:01 +0200, Keiron Liddle wrote:

>The particular fonts that are added in FontSetup are all the fonts that are
>always available to Acrobat Reader. These are fonts that come with acrobat.
>Other fonts may be avilable to acrobat on your machine (because you havew a
>particular font installed) but that does not ensure that someone else will
>be able to view the document with that font.


Which version of Acrobat are you using as the guide to which fonts are always 
available? I'm looking ath the directory tree for my full 
Acrobat 4.0 install and and seeing a bunch of TTF files. Then in a separate directory 
I did searches on adobefnt.lst and you can see 
in the second and third lists below which FontName and FamilyName entries occur. 

[g:\prg\adobe\ac40\resource]dir /s /M *.ttf

 Volume in drive G is IBMTenK18G     Serial number is B84E:57F3

 Directory of  G:\prg\adobe\ac40\resource\Capture TrueType Fonts\*.ttf

 3/16/96  16:45          62,828  Antquab.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          62,332  Antquabi.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          57,960  Antquai.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          65,412  Arial.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          66,952  Arialbd.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          73,984  Arialbi.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          62,968  Ariali.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          62,016  Arialn.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          65,796  Arialnb.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          66,356  Arialnbi.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          66,980  Arialni.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          47,700  Ariblk.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          65,976  Bkant.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          71,684  Bookos.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          68,856  Bookosb.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          74,412  Bookosbi.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          73,208  Bookosi.ttf
10/30/96  14:05          62,112  Gothic.ttf
10/30/96  14:05          54,744  Gothicb.ttf
10/30/96  14:05          56,328  Gothicbi.ttf
10/30/96  14:05          62,316  Gothici.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          41,408  Hatten.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          46,008  Lcbi____.ttf
 7/16/96  21:40          42,496  Lcb_____.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          48,436  Lci_____.ttf
 7/16/96  21:40          45,508  Lc______.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          66,420  Schlbk.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          69,632  Schlbkb.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          69,056  Schlbkbi.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          68,792  Schlbki.ttf
 3/16/96  16:45          85,240  Times.ttf
 3/16/96  16:46          83,228  Timesbd.ttf
 3/16/96  16:47          77,080  Timesbi.ttf
 3/16/96  16:47          79,672  Timesi.ttf
 7/16/96  21:41          54,192  Timnreb.ttf

[g:\prg\adobe\ac40\resource\font]grep FontName adobefnt.lst
adobefnt.lst 12 1:FontName:Courier-BoldOblique
adobefnt.lst 25 1:FontName:Courier-Bold
adobefnt.lst 38 1:FontName:Courier
adobefnt.lst 51 1:FontName:Courier-Oblique
adobefnt.lst 64 1:FontName:Symbol
adobefnt.lst 77 1:FontName:ZapfDingbats
adobefnt.lst 90 1:FontName:AdobeSansMM
adobefnt.lst 105 1:FontName:AdobeSerifMM
adobefnt.lst 120 1:FontName:Arial-BoldItalicMT
adobefnt.lst 133 1:FontName:Arial-BoldMT
adobefnt.lst 146 1:FontName:Arial-ItalicMT
adobefnt.lst 159 1:FontName:ArialMT
adobefnt.lst 172 1:FontName:TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT
adobefnt.lst 185 1:FontName:TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT
adobefnt.lst 198 1:FontName:TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT
adobefnt.lst 211 1:FontName:TimesNewRomanPSMT
adobefnt.lst 224 1:FontName:Courier-BoldOblique
adobefnt.lst 232 1:FontName:Courier-Bold
adobefnt.lst 240 1:FontName:Courier
adobefnt.lst 248 1:FontName:Courier-Oblique
adobefnt.lst 256 1:FontName:Symbol
adobefnt.lst 264 1:FontName:ZapfDingbats
adobefnt.lst 272 1:FontName:AdobeSansMM
adobefnt.lst 280 1:FontName:AdobeSansMM
adobefnt.lst 288 1:FontName:AdobeSerifMM
adobefnt.lst 296 1:FontName:AdobeSerifMM
adobefnt.lst 304 1:FontName:Arial-BoldItalicMT
adobefnt.lst 312 1:FontName:Arial-BoldMT
adobefnt.lst 320 1:FontName:Arial-ItalicMT
adobefnt.lst 328 1:FontName:ArialMT
adobefnt.lst 336 1:FontName:TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT
adobefnt.lst 344 1:FontName:TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT
adobefnt.lst 352 1:FontName:TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT
adobefnt.lst 360 1:FontName:TimesNewRomanPSMT

[g:\prg\adobe\ac40\resource\font]grep FamilyNa adobefnt.lst
adobefnt.lst 13 1:FamilyName:Courier
adobefnt.lst 26 1:FamilyName:Courier
adobefnt.lst 39 1:FamilyName:Courier
adobefnt.lst 52 1:FamilyName:Courier
adobefnt.lst 65 1:FamilyName:Symbol
adobefnt.lst 78 1:FamilyName:ITC Zapf Dingbats
adobefnt.lst 91 1:FamilyName:Adobe Sans MM
adobefnt.lst 106 1:FamilyName:Adobe Serif MM
adobefnt.lst 121 1:FamilyName:Arial MT
adobefnt.lst 134 1:FamilyName:Arial MT
adobefnt.lst 147 1:FamilyName:Arial MT
adobefnt.lst 160 1:FamilyName:Arial MT
adobefnt.lst 173 1:FamilyName:Times New Roman PS
adobefnt.lst 186 1:FamilyName:Times New Roman PS
adobefnt.lst 199 1:FamilyName:Times New Roman PS
adobefnt.lst 212 1:FamilyName:Times New Roman PS

>So in particular for the PDFGraphics2D you have two options:
>- use shapes to draw text (makes the file much larger and looks bad in the
>viewer but prints ok)
>- embedd the font using FOP embedding font technique, currently this is not
>implemented for svg text

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