Title: Table Layout with Page Breaks
Yuri, generally the property keep-with-next should work. I tested it with FOP 0.20.1 successfully.
I'm not quite sure if the hassle Darren creates by using nested tables is a must-have.
You should achieve the same results by using keep-with-next for every row on your table.
Single disadvantage (as in Darren's solution): if somehow a  table doesn't fit on a single page (or Darrens row becomes bigger than a page) you might run into an endless loop. That is a known problem and (hopefully ;)) being worked on.
HTH, Corinna
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 1:30 AM
Subject: Table Layout with Page Breaks

I'm using fop to generate tables that vary in length, so I need to be able set attributes such that the table layout will accommodate page breaks.  I've tried using "keep-with-next" applied to fo:table-row and "height" applied to fo:table (plus many others) to setup the table layout so that it isn't truncated by a new page, but haven't had much success.  Does FOP support this functionality?

Chris W.

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