I have to do a comparison between the different existing XSL-Fo processors.
I focused on these ones:
-FOP, Apache
-XEP, RenderX
-Antenna House XSL Processor

Could you give me their "good and bad parts"?
Who support them?
What are the aims of each one about the XSL specification?
Finally, is there any other good XSL-Fo processors? 

I understood that these 4 XSL-Fo processors were all compliant to the basic
conformance level in the W3C recommendation, and also to some of the objects
and properties of the extended level.
I would like to have your opinions. I have to transform an XML document into
a PDF file, using a specific model of presentation (first page, contents,
headers, titles, ...)


Aurelien Gisbert
Engineer student in the INSA of Lyon, France
Internee in the SNCF, France (working with Alain Herbuel, in the DSIT-EX

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