On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 08:32, Kevin O'Neill wrote:
> > - Reusing pdf objects that links create
> What do you mean ... sorry for being dim.

The same as I did for the GState and patterns. If a link is added that
has the same action or destination URL as a previous link. Then use the
pdf objects with the actions etc. again. So for example if a document
has 100 links that point to the same URL then it will only create one
URL destination object instead of 100 (or whatever objects it creates I
don't have the code in front of me right now).

This could be done along the lines of:
- create an equals method in the objects that will be reused.
- when adding a new link then check if the pdf object already exists and
use the old one instead.

> > - form XObject
> Already started, I need it for some imposition code I'm working on
> (unless someone can think of a better way to do impositioning of pages).


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