
I want  the wording  ' E&O.E ' to be printed on every page.


<fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-after">
                  <fo:block  font-size="9pt" text-align="end">

By using the above code , i can able to print text without '&' . If i use '&' its searchig for an entity and i'm getting the following error.

D:\FOP\fop-0.20.4rc>FOP -xsl surrenderValueXsl.xsl -xml surrenderValueXml.xml -p
df surrenderValuepdf.pdf

D:\FOP\fop-0.20.4rc>java -cp build\fop.jar;lib\batik.jar;lib\xalan-2.3.1.jar;lib
\logkit-1.0.jar;lib\jimi-1.0.jar org.apache.fop.apps.Fop -xsl surrenderValueXsl.
xsl -xml surrenderValueXml.xml -pdf surrenderValuepdf.pdf
[INFO] FOP 0.20.4rc
[Fatal Error] surrenderValueXsl.xsl:42:10: The reference to entity "O.E" must en
d with the ';' delimiter.
[ERROR] null

Any Help ? Thnx in advance.

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