Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> 1.0 as soon as possible. I'm grateful for Victor's work and I hope it
> won't be a distraction. Because distractions may leave the focus of
> potential co-developers on the maintenance branch even though the
> redesign is already quite advanced.

I'm aware that this is a concern. However, consider the following:
1. The layout redesign is not the only work that is needed before a 1.0
release. If people can work on the other features in parallel with those who
are working on redesign, then we get to 1.0 faster.
2. As I understand it, there is maintenance code work that needs to be
merged into the trunk anyway. This should accomplish that, again in parallel
with the redesign. We don't want to have features in 0.20.4 that aren't in
3. If we can get the code that should be common merged, then anyone who
works on common code for the benefit of the maintenance branch must make
sure that they haven't broken anything in the redesign along the way. This
*might* expose them more to the redesign work.
4. If the old layout is as dead-end as I have been told (and I have no
reason to doubt it), then *no one* will want to spend any time on the code
that is specific to the maintenance branch only. People working on layout
will do so in the redesign code, people working on anything else will do so
in the common code. We can still quibble about whether people should be
working on this or that, but at least everyone will be working on 1.0.

That is the theory anyway.

Victor Mote

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