On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 00:53, Keiron Liddle wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 12:00, Kevin O'Neill wrote:
> > > I just added a Form XObject but it needs some work (eg. bounds).
> > 
> > How do you intend to pass xobject hits from the fo processor. I had
> > thought about a fop specific attribute that was a hint on block level
> > objects.
> I'm not sure what situation you might be talking about. So to speculate:
> If it is to use xobject when there are things repeated across pages
> (static areas, table header, svg) then it could be done through the
> layout managers. If the content may be repeated and does not depend on
> the page then it could set a value on the area tree saying that the area
> (and contents) should be placed in a xobject. When the same area occurs
> again, indicated by a key or something, then it will render the xobject
> again.

I'm talking about specific user driven contexts. For instance as the
designer I may know that I repeat the use of a image in several
locations throughout the document, say it's a graphic I use at the start
of a paragraph. It would be nice to be able to add an attribute like
fop:cache=true to the element including the image to provide a hint to
the renderer that this image will be reused.

> If you are wondering why I added it. I made a simple and effective
> extension to FOP that creates slide shows (there's something called
> ppower4 that does this with Tex). An xml element is used to indicate
> that the contents should be added to the page progressively. It wraps
> the areas with a special marker area that indicates the areas should be
> placed in an xobject to provide the appearance of adding that area to
> the page. It's actually quite easy.

The static regions are probably another area where we can use xforms
though we would need to be careful of the more dynamic elements like
page numbers. 


ps: I'm also using (and planning to extend my use of) the FOP PDF
component externally to xsl:fo, so I'm interesting in adding features
that may not be specifically relevant to fo but very relevant to it's
usage as a PDF library. 

If you don't test then your code is only a collection of bugs which 
apparently behave like a working program. 

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