--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought it was generally
> agreed some time ago 
> that my work on properties should be integrated, for
> the simple reason 
> that it is smaller and faster.  

Exactly!  Now you're talking my language--"smaller and
faster"--i.e., something that will generate more
same-size reports than trunk will.

I want it so that when we get performance complaints
such as Brian Minchau/Xalan recently did
we can confidently state that FOP has the best design

However, per the centripetal/centrifugal discussion of
Victor (*very* interesting, BTW), we need to see
*proof* that it is faster, and to help do that, we
should make the code more modular.

<repeated boring discussion on the benefits of
encapsulated code>

That's why I want ElementMappings out of apps package
and back into the FOTreeBuilder class.  This way, when
someone like you has a competing design--no more
ElementMappings, use push/pull parsers, widgets,
abacuses, chickens, whatever--you only have to change
FOTreeBuilder, and not simultaneously 57 places
throughout the code.  It makes it easier to
test/compare different implementations, and less
mortifying for such changes to be made because fewer
classes need updating.

</repeated boring discussion on the benefits of
encapsulated code>

Secondly, as I mentioned earlier about applying your
findings, you've already confirmed for me my
suspicions that user-defined ElementMappings won't
work because the semantics of those mappings would not
be understood by the rest of the code anyway (please
contradict me here if I'm wrong)--Great, for 1.0, in
addition to moving the DefaultMappings to
FOTreeBuilder, we can dispense with the code that
allows for users to add on their own mappings.  Me
applying your findings now--even if in a different
implementation--saves you the "Hey, we can't go to
push/pull parsers because we'll lose user-defined
ElementMappings!!!" argument later.  (You'll still
have to win the faster argument though... ;)

> I repeat that hacking on the code is easier and more
> immediately 
> rewarding than thinking through the design.  The
> approaches are not 
> mutually exclusive, and must be mixed, I think. 

I agree that "hacking" the code would be useless for
you, because you understand it--but I need to work on
the code/refactor it/keep it clean (I have fun with a
local version of FOP) just to understand how FOP
works.  I have apps mostly understood and am now
looking at the layout package.  This helps me hold
more better conversations with the team.  

> But, here has been too 
> much of the former and too little of the latter,
> IMO.

Agreed.  I'm happily looking forward to the day when I
can debate you on all implementation issues--even trip
you up every now and then--until then, I need to keep
working on the code to understand it more, and yes,
reading your writings more.


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