Clay Leeds wrote:
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Being new to this VOTING thing, I'm a bit confused. I believe I've made it clear in a previous message, that I'm in favor of the PROPOSAL to create the XML Graphics PMC which will be the new 'home' of FOP and Batik, but I'm unclear on how this process works. I'm also in favor of the votes for membership expressed below (scroll down a bit for my specific votes...).

What I'm unclear on, is the 'legal' difference between PROPOSAL and VOTE. I'd thought that the only time a VOTE really counts is when the SUBJECT includes VOTE. I've searched through the ASF docs, and the only place I can see PROPOSAL discussed, is[1], hence my confusion.:


  Rules require that a negative vote includes an
  alternative proposal or a detailed explanation
  on the reasons for the negative vote.

In any case, My VOTE(s) for this PROPOSAL (assuming they are appropriate now) are below:

Creation of the XML Graphics PMC

Very sensible Clay. It was somewhat premature of me to vote on membership before we had a formal proposal for the XML Graphics top-level project. However, I assume the vote on members will still be valid when we get to putting a proposal forward, and voting on the acceptance of the charter. If not, we can ask for it again.

Peter B. West <>

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