On 07.01.2005 10:49:02 Finn Bock wrote:
> [Jeremias]
> > would you please check if it is acceptable to put the inherited values
> > directly into the CommonMarginBlock? It might have been cleaner to
> > always get the value via the parent FO but I think in this case it helps
> > simplifying the code in TraitSetter and BlockLayoutManager.
> It looks wrong, it feels wrong, but I'm not at all sure if it is wrong.

Same here. :-)

> But I would be tempted to drop the use of space-[start,end] traits and 
> instead let the renderers use [start,end]-indent traits and the 
> reference rectangle to calculate the start position of the content 
> rectangle.
> Alternatively calculate space-[start,end] based on the 
> [start,end]-indent traits on the parent area rather then the parent fo.

I'll see what I can do. I got a great environment to test now. ;-)
Thanks for your insight.

Jeremias Maerki

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