On 10.01.2005 22:00:01 Simon Pepping wrote:
> Section 5.3.2 of the spec is really hard to understand. I combine it
> with 5.1.4 about Inheritance. Then my guess is this:
> <fo:block margin-left="1pc">A test file
>   <fo:inline-container start-indent="1.5pc">
>     <fo:block margin-left="1pc">A test file</fo:block>
>   </fo:inline-container>
> </fo:block>
> The computed value of start-indent on the outer block is 'start-indent
> = inherited_value_of(start-indent) + margin-corresponding +
> padding-corresponding + border-corresponding-width' = 0 + 1pc + 0 +
> 0. The computed value of start-indent on the inner block is
> 'start-indent = inherited_value_of(start-indent) +
> margin-corresponding + padding-corresponding +
> border-corresponding-width' = 1.5pc + 1pc + 0 + 0.
> In this case:
> <fo:block margin-left="1pc">A test file
>   <fo:inline-container>
>     <fo:block margin-left="1pc">A test file</fo:block>
>   </fo:inline-container>
> </fo:block>
> the computed value of start-indent on the outer block is 'start-indent
> = inherited_value_of(start-indent) + margin-corresponding +
> padding-corresponding + border-corresponding-width' = 0 + 1pc + 0 +
> 0. The computed value of start-indent on the inner block is
> 'start-indent = inherited_value_of(start-indent) +
> margin-corresponding + padding-corresponding +
> border-corresponding-width' = 1pc + 1pc + 0 + 0. The inherited value
> uses the calculated value (sect. 5.1.4). That is the value that should
> be returned by
> pList.getParentPropertyList().get(Constants.PR_START_INDENT).getLength().

I agree with your interpretation.

> The inherited value should not be stored, but used in the computation
> of the property value. This should be implemented by the property
> maker.

In the meantime I've rewritten that part and removed the two fields I
introduced on CommonMarginBlock. But the code needs some more work until
I'm ready to check in. All testcases pass again but I don't have any
tests for writing mode changes which is important for the
MarginPropertyMaker I wrote to get the computed margin values.

> When I run the above examples in a debugger, I find that the computed
> start-indent values CommonMarginBlock.startIndent are exactly like I
> argue above they should be.


> There does not seem to be a need to add
> the inherited value later; the property maker already has done so. See
> IndentPropertyMaker.compute(PropertyList). It uses
> propertyList.getInherited(baseMaker.propId).getNumeric()) to get the
> inherited value. Earlier FOP developers understood this part well.

I understand, but I think you're talking exclusively about the property
resolution phase (right?) while I found that I need the computed value
of the margin property (not only the explicit one as is currently the
case) and the inherited start-indent for the layout manager code and to
set traits correctly.

> If you find wrong results, then the problem must be elsewhere.

Yes, in the layout managers.

> Is there a book or treatise on these subjects, where we can read how a
> knowledgeable author interprets these difficult parts of the spec?

I don't know. We're probably stuck with the FO-related mailing lists.

Please have patience with me while I'm learning my way into layout. I
can already feel my understanding of the whole thing growing from hour
to hour and I'm grateful for any insight you can provide. I'm sorry for
being a moving target.

It's too bad that the ICLayoutManager is still empty so your examples
above cannot be tested, yet, but I have other examples that help show
similar effects with what already works.

Jeremias Maerki

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