On 02.09.2005 15:38:41 Manuel Mall wrote:
> The problems reported here with e-g and padding / borders apply equally 
> to i-f-o. It's not too hard to fix. While doing this I noticed that the 
> code for the i-f-o LM and e-g LM is logically largely identical 
> although some bits have been coded slightly differently.
> Any concerns if I put a common LM for i-f-o, e-g that  into the LM 
> inheritance hierarchy (working name ForeignContent LM, i.e. content not 
> native of XSL-FO)?
> So we have something like:
>    i-f-o LM implements ForeignContent LM
>    e-g LM implements ForeignContent LM
> and 
>    ForeignContent LM implements LeafNode LM.

You mean "extends", not "implements", right?

> This would allow all the code related to the viewport generation, 
> content scaling, and rectangle sizing for i-f-o and e-g to be in one 
> place only.
> The i-f-o and e-g LMs would become very small basically only providing 
> the image or foreignObject area to be placed into the viewport.

+1 to that but since this new class will be abstract I'd like to have it
marked as such by naming it AbstractGraphicsLM (which also shows how I
would name it). :-)

Thanks for handling that.

BTW, I'll commit a tiny little change in IFOLM in a few minutes, due to
a change in to FO tree. Shouldn't be a problem, though. Well, I hope. :-)

Jeremias Maerki

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