Jeremias Maerki a écrit :
The real problem IMO is probably block-level content in fo:inlines again.
How are these borders to be painted? A border around each
inlineblockparent (one for each block inside the inline)? I'm not sure
judging from the specification.

Here the spec starts being really complicated. I would say you're right, thought not sure. See the last sentence of § 4.2.2: "Unless otherwise specified, the traits of a formatting object are present on each of its generated areas, and with the same value. (However, see sections [4.7.2 Line-building] and [4.9.4 Border, Padding, and Background].)". The referred sections don't seem to hold for the fo:inline case. What disturbs me is that when one specifies a border around a chunk of text and there is line-breaking, this border should appear and the end of the first line and the beginning of second line, as below:
  This is a | chunk of text |
  | with border | blah blah

  blah blah

What is more intuitive and could be expected by a user is the following:
  This is a | chunk of text
  with border | blah blah

  blah blah

but IIUC this is not allowed by the spec. I ask for confirmation here.

So the example you provided with the 2 <fo:block>blah blah</fo:block> is rendered correctly in terms of borders (but there should be no space between them, probably part of the rendering problem you raised).


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