On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 07:33:33PM +0200, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> On 05.09.2005 17:05:48 Victor Mote wrote:
> > Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > 
> > The design considerations are as follows:
> > 1. FOrayFont needs to be able to log messages.
> For whom? For the developer or for the end-user? Because that's what
> I've learned during the past months: That it should be well divided
> between the two audiences. The speciality is that the developer doesn't
> need a logger per processing run (i.e. non-static logging) and the
> end-user often needs more than just pure Strings through a generic
> logging interface. Note that this is not yet reality in FOP but I
> believe it will be soon.

> > > Now, I know this has the potential to spark a heated debate 
> > > again and it raises question marks about the FOrayFont 
> > > integration, but ATM I really don't know what to do about it 
> > > right now. I just realized we have a problem here. I/we made 
> > > promises on general@xmlgraphics.apache.org to try to remove 
> > > logging and other external dependencies (like Avalon) for the 
> > > common components because that's something which is very 
> > > important to the Batik side.
> > 
> > So, then, how are those components supposed to log anything? Or, if they are
> > to log using their own static stuff, how can this be configured by the
> > client?
> Eventually such basic libraries shouldn't log anything anymore. That's
> the big dilemma I'm sitting in, the one I need to find a way out of.
> Anyway, ways to remove the necessity to log are: unit tests and
> stabilization. The problem is getting rid of something so extremely
> handy but actually completely unnecessary for something basic like a PDF
> or font library. But I'd never want to get rid of the ability to log in
> a complex system like a layout engine.

I am not sure that I understand everything that is being said
here. But I am alarmed when I hear that basic libraries, in this case
the FontServer, shouldn't log anymore. In my experience a font system
requires powerful logging, in order to expose runtime behaviour to the
systems manager or end user. Configuring font systems and
understanding why a piece of font software does not use it as you
expect, is a hard task that requires suitable runtime information from
the software.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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