
On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Chris Bowditch <
> wrote:

> Since Thunderhead also needs this feature we are willing to invest some
> time into it too. Currently my team are telling me it would take 9 person
> months to port this code into our branch of FOP, partly because of some
> merge conflicts, but also partly because we are not comfortable with some
> aspects of the code as it has already been pointed out. The estimate would
> include the time to refactor long files into small ones, deal with the
> variable names and restructuring the code.

I would advise against this, since it would it is functionally unnecessary
and since it will make future merges more difficult. I will be making
additional changes as more features in this area are added.

I don't see what refactoring long files into small ones buys you. However,
if you make a reasoned argument for factoring specific long files (i.e., why
such factoring improves architecture, modularity, etc), rather than simply
say "all long files must be refactored", then I will seriously discuss doing
so post merge.

> I appreciate your commitment to add comments to short identifiers
> declarations, so at least it will be easier for the team to translate the
> short variables to longer equivalents. Just so we are clear on what you
> propose, do you mean this:
> int gi = 0; // Glyph Index

Yes. Note that I already do this in most cases, such as:

private static void resolveExplicit ( int[] wca, int defaultLevel, int[] ea
) {
    int[] es = new int [ MAX_LEVELS ];          /* embeddings stack */
    int ei = 0;                                 /* embeddings stack index */
    int ec = defaultLevel;                      /* current embedding level
    for ( int i = 0, n = wca.length; i < n; i++ ) {
        int bc = wca [ i ];                     /* bidi class of current
char */
        int el;                                 /* embedding level to assign
to current char */
        switch ( bc ) {
        case LRE:                               // start left-to-right
        case RLE:                               // start right-to-left
             case LRO:                               // start left-to-right
        case RLO:                               // start right-to-left
                int en;                         /* new embedding level */
                if ( ( bc == RLE ) || ( bc == RLO ) ) {
                    en = ( ( ec & ~OVERRIDE ) + 1 ) | 1;
                } else {
                    en = ( ( ec & ~OVERRIDE ) + 2 ) & ~1;
                if ( en < ( MAX_LEVELS + 1 ) ) {
                    es [ ei++ ] = ec;
                    if ( ( bc == LRO ) || ( bc == RLO ) ) {
                        ec = en | OVERRIDE;
                    } else {
                        ec = en & ~OVERRIDE;
                } else {
                    // max levels exceeded, so don't change level or
                el = ec;

What I'm agreeing to do in the relative near future (after merge, before new
release) is to add such comments to those places where I have not already
done so, which are probably a minority of such cases.


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